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5. DAY

To get orientation of which glass pice is background and which is flower and which is steem and so on..

we had colored the pattern (paper) before starting our project two weeks ago.


Here is a picture of how we numbered all the flowers with more than 1 glass piece


Here is how we organized the 6 flower cutting jobs.

 Here is the first job with 3 X 3 flowers which I have numbered #1, #2, and #3 . (see above)


The separated pieces are taken from the plate, cutted and sorted.

Each of the 3 flowers has to be cut 3 times (1 time for every repeat of the pattern)

The 9 flowers are signed:     1 .  1 ..  1 ...    2 .  2 .. 2 ...    3 .  3 ..  3 ...

..a detail, to show the way we cut.


the Silberschnitt running pliers I use for separating  glasspiece from glasspiece

 The Silberschnitt  ZAG ZAG pliers I use it to cut off the larger trash around the glass pieces,



and  different kinds of grozzling pliers I use for making the right  shape of the glass.

75 minutes later:  The flowers #1, #2, and #3 are nearly ready to be put on the lighttable.

There is one piece missing , and another piece turned out badly.

Before putting on the lighttable, I have to find and cut a

new piece of the first (bottom, left) flower # 1.

SEE DETAILS of new slecting and cutting the demaged piece from FLOWER #1

There also has to be found and cut new the missing piece of  flower number 2  (above, center).

SEE DETAILS of new slecting and cutting the missing piece from FLOWER #2

When completed the flowers #1,#2 and #3 I put them on the light table:

first repeat

second repeat

third repeat


I think there is no shape, which can not be done WITOUT GRINDING the glass:  SEE DETAILS


The light table Saturday in the late afternoon at the end of

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Dr. Hans-Peter Grotepass
Gudrun Grotepass

Schloss-Strasse 68     45355 Essen / Germany 
Phone  +49  201- 651112 