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Before starting this pages, there have been done some

preparations for the 22"Tulip project:

The mold  - that is the form on which the lamp will be constructed -

has already  been waxed with special  GSE BEESWAX.

We put some gaslighters on the mold,

to show how  well GSE BEESWAX  sticks.

Here is the 360° layout of the pattern on the lighttable. This kind of pattern are

made by GSE. GSE also makes 360° patterns for all GSE and Odyssey lamp forms.

The 360° layout is a large sheet of plastic film, which has the all overall pattern

printed on it. Every single glass piece has a spot. This let you see how your lamp will

 look in transmitted light when you use a 360° layout - like the Tiffany-Studios New Yok did -

you can create the same special interactions of colors in the shade as Tiffany.

 We call this the "aura" of a Tiffany lamp.

A snapshot from inside GSE  (GROTEPASS STUDIO ESSEN, Germany)

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Dr. Hans-Peter Grotepass
Gudrun Grotepass

Schloss-Strasse 68     45355 Essen / Germany 
Phone  +49  201- 651112 